How to run CubeBackup on a Synology NAS to backup Google Workspace data.

As a Google Workspace backup solution, CubeBackup is designed to run on Windows and Linux systems, and is not available on the Synology Package Center. However, If you'd like to deploy CubeBackup on a Synology NAS, you can install Docker and use our Docker image.

For TerraMaster NAS users, please refer to Initial Configuration on TerraMaster NAS. If you are using a NAS from other vendors, you can use this article as a reference.

CubeBackup is an x86 application and can only run directly on an x86-based NAS. If your NAS is using an ARM CPU, please consider running CubeBackup on a Windows or Linux computer using your NAS as the storage device.

Installation instructions

Experienced Docker users can easily pull the CubeBackup image cubebackup/workspace to a local repository, start the CubeBackup container, and follow the step-by-step setup guide to complete the initial configuration.

For users who are not familiar with Docker, please follow the instructions below to create a containerized CubeBackup instance to backup your Google Workspace data.

  1. Before you start, please install Docker in the Package Center first. Open Docker from the Main Menu in the Synology web console.

  2. Select Registry from the left panel and type cubebackup/workspace in the search box. Right-click on the cubebackup/workspace entry and select Download this image. Download this CubeBackup image

  3. When prompted to choose a tag for the image, select latest from the dropdown list and click Select. Select the latest CubeBackup image

  4. In the left panel, switch to Image and check the download progress of the CubeBackup image. It may take a few moments to complete.

  5. When it has finished downloading, double-click on the image or click the Launch button at the top of the page. Check image downloading progress

  6. In the Create Container dialog, leave the Network option as default to use the bridge network, and click Next. Specify the network

  7. In the General Settings section, enter a Container Name (e.g. CubeBackup) and check the Enable auto-restart button. Click Next.

    We recommend that you do not select the Enable resource limitation option. If resource limitation is necessary, please ensure that CubeBackup is given at least 2048 MB of Memory on your NAS server.

    Open General Settings page

  8. In the Port Settings section, modify the mapped Local Port to 8080 in front of Container Port 80 and click Next. Open Advanced Settings

  9. In the Volume section, you will need to create and bind mount the following four directories to your NAS server:

    • Click the Add Folder button and select the storage path of your backup data (e.g. backupData/cubebackupData). Enter /cubebackup_data in the Mount path field.
    • Repeat the same operation and select a storage path for the index data (e.g. backupData/cubebackupIndex), the log file (e.g. backupData/cube/log), and the storage configuration file of CubeBackup (e.g. backupData/cube/db) separately. Enter /cubebackup_index, /opt/cubebackup/log, /opt/cubebackup/db in the corresponding Mount path fields. Bind Mount under Volume tab
  10. Click Next and check the settings of your CubeBackup container. Check the option to Run this container after the wizard is finished, and click Done to launch the docker container for CubeBackup. View container settings

  11. In the left panel, navigate to Container. Select the CubeBackup container, and then click on Details.

  12. Next, on the container detail page, navigate to the Terminal tab and click the Create button to open a new terminal session within the container, switching to the bash shell. Run the following commands to assign the necessary permissions for CubeBackup to function correctly within the mounted directories:

    chmod 700 /opt/cubebackup/db
    chmod 700 /opt/cubebackup/log
    chmod 700 /cubebackup_data
    chmod 700 /cubebackup_index

    Run chmod commands to assign 700 permission for cbuser

  13. In the left panel, switch to Container, select the CubeBackup container and click Settings > Create shortcut on desktop > Web page. Then add port :8080 to the end of your NAS URL. Create shortcut

  14. Now you can open the CubeBackup setup wizard by clicking the shortcut on the desktop, or by opening the URL <your_nas_ip>:8080 directly in the browser. You can go through the setup wizard following the step-by-step instructions.

    If you changed port 80 to a different port in Step 8, please add the port number to the end of the URL (e.g. <your_nas_ip>:8081).

Open CubeBackup shortcut

Manage the CubeBackup container on Synology

  1. You can open the CubeBackup web console on the NAS desktop by using the shortcut created in the previous steps. Alternatively, you can use another computer on the same network to open the URL <your_nas_ip>:8080 directly in a browser.

  2. We strongly recommend that you make a copy of the encryption key file and store it in a separate safe location. You can either find it at /opt/cubebackup/db/keys.json inside the docker container or from the mounted directory on the NAS (e.g. backupData/cube/db/keys.json).

    Please note that if the key file is lost, your encrypted backup data will be completely unrecoverable. CubeBackup Inc. does not have access to any key files and will be unable to help you!

  3. More information about best practices for managing a CubeBackup instance can be found here: Best practices for Google Workspace admins in CubeBackup.